Let Him Who Boasts, Boast in This

Let Him Who Boasts, Boast in This
September 3—Morning—Jeremiah 9:23-24
"Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, nor the mighty man boast in his might; let not the rich man boast in his riches; but let him who boasts, boast in this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord."—Jeremiah 9:23-24.
And did you, my poor, proud, vain, sinful heart, after all that has been said to you about Jesus, and all you have been taught to feel about your need for Jesus, still need this command? Oh yes, my soul; it needs to be sounded in your ears every day, and written again by the Holy Spirit upon your heart. Now I understand, Lord Jesus, why you are so perfectly suited to a poor, convicted sinner. You, and you alone, are the Lord our righteousness. Therefore, let those who do not know their own worthlessness, nor your glory, boast in whatever they may; let others speak of what they will, but I see clearly there is nothing outside of you for a poor soul to rejoice in. The wise man has no wisdom apart from you; nor does the mighty man have strength, nor the rich man riches. But if you are my portion, you are made by God to be for me both wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Then indeed, I shall glory in the Lord!
September 3—Evening—Zephaniah 1:7
"Be silent in the presence of the Lord God, for the day of the Lord is near; for the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, and he has invited his guests."—Zephaniah 1:7.
My soul, here is a portion of God's word that, like the pillar of the cloud in the camp of Israel, has a double aspect; it becomes a cloud of trembling, darkness, dread, and fear to all who, spiritually speaking, are still in Egyptian bondage, but a glorious and refreshing light to the people of God. The presence of the Lord God is a solemn presence to all and commands silence and even trembling: "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him." And is the day of the Lord near? Yes, truly, every day brings it closer; every breath, every heartbeat shortens the distance. There is, and there must be, a day when "the Lord will judge the world in righteousness and administer true justice to the people."
And notice, my soul, what this blessed scripture adds: "The Lord has prepared a sacrifice; he has invited his guests." God has set forth his dear Son as a propitiation, for "without the shedding of blood, there is no remission." He has invited his guests. Yes! The Lord, who has made this rich feast of salvation, has also invited the people he will have to partake of it. He has sent out his word and his servants into the highways, lanes, and hedges of the city to call them in. And their characters are marked: they are "the poor, the needy, the lame, and the blind." Thousands who fit this description have come, partaken of the rich feast, and called it blessed, "and yet there is room."
My soul, have you come? Have you accepted the invitation and come with this character? Have you found it blessed? Pause over this question. The alternative is a cup of trembling, astonishment, and madness for all who reject the counsel of God against their own souls, who are too proud to accept the invitation to the feast of Jesus’s blood for cleansing, and too self-righteous to seek salvation in his righteousness to justify them.
by Robert Hawker (Modernized)