It is With Our Sins that We Go to God

It is With Our Sins that We Go to God
"It is with our sins that we go to God—for we have nothing else to go with that we can call our own. This is one of the lessons that we are so slow to learn; yet without learning this — we cannot take one right step in that which we call a Christian life." - Horatius Bonar
The statement is a profound and thought-provoking assertion that has deep roots in all faithful branches of the Christian faith. At its core, this statement reflects a fundamental understanding of the nature of humanity and our relationship with God.
According to Scripture, humans are in the woeful condition of being fallen creatures who are inherently sinful and separated from God. This separation is the result of the fall of Adam and Eve, who disobeyed God and introduced sin and death into the world. As a result, all humans are born with a sinful nature and are incapable of pleasing God or earning salvation on their own.
In light of this reality, the only way for sinners in Adam to approach God is through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Christ's death on the cross paid the penalty for sinners and reconciles all who trust Christ to God, allowing us to approach Him with confidence and boldness. However, even after we have received salvation through Christ, we still carry the weight of the remnants of indwelling sin and must continue to rely on His grace and mercy to maintain our close fellowship with God.
This is where the statement "It is with our sins that we go to God" comes into play. As fallen creatures, we have nothing to offer God except our sinfulness and our need for His grace. We cannot come to Him with our own merits or accomplishments, for these are tainted by sin and cannot stand before the holiness of God. Instead, we must come to Him with humility and repentance, acknowledging our sinfulness and our need for His forgiveness and mercy.
This understanding of our relationship with God has important pastoral implications for Christians. It reminds us that we are not self-sufficient beings who can earn our own salvation through our own efforts, but rather dependent creatures who rely entirely on the grace of God from beginning to end. It also underscores the importance of humility and repentance in our spiritual lives, as we must continually acknowledge our sinfulness and turn to God for forgiveness and healing.
The quote at the beginning is from the book "How Shall I Go To God?", by Horatius Bonar,