I will be with your mouth - Exodus 4:12

I will be with your mouth - Exodus 4:12
October 23—Morning—Exodus 4:12
"Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say."—Exodus 4:12
Pause, my soul, over this sweet promise God gave to Moses; surely, the same assurance is given to every minister, every child of God, and every believer. The One who made our mouths will equip them with what’s needed, supplying every word for the needs of His people. Notice the fullness of this promise: He who promises to be with the mouth will be with all the renewed faculties of the soul. Jesus gives wisdom to our speech, grace to our words, understanding to the heart, sight to the blind, and strength to the weak. He provides our daily bread, gives us secure refuge, and guards us with the strength of mountains. Go, then, my soul, wherever the Lord leads, for He says, "Fear not, I am with you; I am your God." Learn to look to Jesus in all things, and He will bless your efforts. Make His glory your goal, and your happiness will flow from His glory.
October 23—Evening—Hosea 3:5
"Afterward, the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God, and David their king."—Hosea 3:5
What a beautiful scripture this is, full of gospel promises! "Afterward, the children of Israel shall return." After being scattered across the earth, wandering on every high mountain, the Lord will bring them back; "He who scattered Israel will gather him." There will be abounding grace for abundant transgression; what sin has broken, grace will restore. But to whom will they return? They will seek the Lord their God! This is possible and will happen if the Lord inclines their hearts; the One who gives the grace to seek will grant the mercy to find. "He has never said to the praying seed of Jacob, 'Seek me in vain.'" But they will also return to "David their king." David, king of Israel, had been dead many years by the time of this promise, and as Peter later pointed out, his tomb was still among the people; so how could they return to David their king? How beautiful to see David's Lord, Christ, preached even before the gospel was fully revealed! Though David himself was gone, Christ, the seed of David, lives forever, and to Him shall Israel seek, even after all their rebellion and idolatry. O precious Lord Jesus, may I seek You as they will, in all Your covenantal relationships and promises; "For where else should a people turn but to their God?" May my soul feel the same longing David felt when he cried, "O God, You are my God; early will I seek You. My soul thirsts for You, my body longs for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water!"