God's Grace

God's Grace
Adapted from “Free Grace” by J Hart; Refrain by Julia Johnston
One of the greatest assertions found in scripture is where Paul, speaking of justification before God, says justification is by faith that it might be of grace, that God’s promise may be fulfilled for Abraham’s offspring (Rom. 4). From this it is clear that there is no room for merit of any kind in our justification before God. God has appointed faith in the person and work of Christ as the sole means of justification - so it might be of grace! I find this to be one of the most critical doctrines we learn and hold, God has not, nor will He share the work of salvation with anyone else. Thank God for His grace!
*Find this song on all streaming platforms. Links to lyric sheets and devotion available at monergism.com/music
The songs of Regulative Heart are curated, adapted and produced by Greg Pearson of Tennessee. Greg has served the Lord’s church in various roles over the last 44 years, including Pastor, Minister of Music, Student Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Elder in a Reformed Baptist Church. After suffering a debilitating stroke in December 2021, limiting his ability to continue to serve in those roles, Greg has turned his attention to bringing these important songs, in various musical styles, to as many of God’s people as possible. Now, in partnership with Monergism.com, Greg is in the process of writing a short devotional intro for each song as you will find each week in the Monergism.com blog.