And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people

And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people
October 24—Morning—Micah 5:7
"And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people, like dew from the Lord, like showers upon the grass, which do not wait for man or linger for the children of men."—Micah 5:7
Observe, my soul, the character given to Jacob's descendants, and bless the Lord for being counted among them. For, as the apostle says, "If you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Notice their attributes: they are a remnant, God's remnant, in covenant with Him through Christ, set apart from the world. "They are a people who dwell alone, not counted among the nations." They live in the midst of many people but do not belong to any of them. Though they live in the world, they are not of the world, chosen out of it. They are like dew from the Lord—what a beautiful image! Just as the dew comes from heaven, believers in Christ are born from above, not by human will but by God's will. They are also like showers on the grass, meaning that just as Jesus is promised to come down like showers on mown grass to refresh His people, they live in constant dependence on Jesus and receive from His fullness, while the earth around them remains dry. And as rain does not wait for man but falls entirely by God’s appointment, so grace is not dispensed based on our worthiness but from God's free bounty. Oh, precious promise—or rather, a precious cluster of promises—all fulfilled in Jesus.
October 24—Evening—1 Samuel 1:15
"I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit."—1 Samuel 1:15
My soul, look at Hannah at the mercy seat, and notice the sorrowful spirit with which she prayed there. Tears and sorrow at the feet of Jesus are among the deepest signs of genuine, heartfelt communion. Perhaps there was never a time in Hannah's life when her faith was more alive than in that moment. And perhaps, she never found more success in prayer, for it is said that when she rose from before the Lord, "she went her way, and her face was no longer sad." Now, my soul, take a precious lesson from her example. Go to the throne of grace and place yourself at Jesus’s feet. Let grace fully work in your heart. See to it that your prayers are truly from the heart and not just words. Tell the Lord how deeply you need His grace and mercy; and tell Him, too, how much He will be glorified in showing mercy. Show Him that you are indeed sincere. And let your offering of a broken and contrite heart demonstrate that you are of a sorrowful spirit. When you have done this, follow Hannah’s example: leave your sorrow with Jesus. She went her way and was no longer sad. Of course not! If she truly left her burdens with Jesus, she would not take them back again.
Here is where you often go wrong, my soul: you come to the throne of grace countless times, bringing your burdens of sin and sorrow, and lay them down at Jesus’s feet. But sadly, this same throne can testify against you that, shortly after, because of doubt, fear, and unbelief, you have taken them back again. Dearest Jesus, help me. Give me the grace not only to bring all my burdens to You but to leave them with You. For this is the only way to lift a sorrowful spirit—to make You, as God the Father has made You, the Almighty Burden Bearer of all the sins and sorrows of Your people!