by Thomas Brooks
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in ePub, .mobi & .pdf formats
"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us--for we are not ignorant of his devices." - 2 Corinthians 2:11
Thomas Brooks' Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices is a spiritual classic that equips Christians to recognize and resist the subtle schemes of the devil. Written with the pastoral heart of a Puritan divine, Brooks carefully unfolds the various ways Satan tempts, ensnares, and oppresses believers, while prescribing Christ-centered remedies drawn from Scripture. The book is both deeply theological and practically pastoral, filled with biblical wisdom aimed at fortifying the soul against spiritual attacks.
Brooks organizes the work by identifying the "devices" of Satan—specific strategies employed to draw souls into sin, keep them from holy duties, and prevent their spiritual growth. Each device is followed by multiple remedies, grounded in biblical truth and practical godliness. For example, Brooks warns how Satan presents the bait but hides the hook, and counters this with remedies such as keeping a great distance from sin and meditating on the bitter consequences of yielding. His insights are not only doctrinal but devotional, leading the reader to greater reliance on Christ's sufficiency and the power of the Holy Spirit.
What makes this work so compelling is its timeless relevance. Every generation faces the same spiritual warfare, and Brooks' piercing analysis of sin’s deceitfulness speaks just as powerfully today as it did in the 17th century. The book is ideal for personal devotion, group study, or as a resource for pastors seeking to shepherd their flocks more effectively.
About the Author:
Thomas Brooks (1608–1680) was a prominent English Puritan preacher and writer known for his rich, Christ-centered sermons and theological writings. Educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, he served as a faithful pastor during the tumultuous period of the English Civil War and beyond. Brooks was deeply committed to the care of souls, often writing with urgency and tenderness to warn against sin and call believers to holiness. His works, including Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices, remain widely esteemed for their spiritual depth and biblical fidelity.
Table of Contents
Epistle Dedicatory
A Word to the Reader
Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
A Table showing the principal things in this Treatise:—
I. In the next place is shewed, The several devices that Satan hath to draw souls to sin:—
II. Secondly, As Satan hath his several devices to draw souls to sin, so he hath his several de
III. In the third place is shewed the several devices Satan hath to keep souls in a sad, doubti
IV. In the fourth place is showed the several ways and devices that Satan hath to destroy all s
An Appendix touching five more several devices that Satan hath to keep poor souls from believing in