by Timothy J Keller
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City Focus
Love for the City
The term Christian was first applied to a group of ethnically and racially diverse believers in Antioch,the capital of Syria. They were drawn together by the gospel and witnessed the power of God's love in the midst of urban strife and problems. Across cities of the world,as in New York City,strong spiritual bonds flourish between Christian faith and large urban areas. It's a combination that shatters cultural barriers,and causes conversions,the transformation of lives,personal depth,charity,and social action. God has a heart for the city,do you? Scripture Acts 11:19-30
The Dream of the Kingdom
How does a Christian live as a believer in an unbelieving world? God calls His people to be spiritually bi-cultural. God does not want His people to either assimilate or segregate. He wants them to become part of the city,to pray for the city and seek its peace and prosperity. Yet,God also insists that His people retain their distinctiveness and not compromise their allegiance to Him. Christians are called to love the city of man for the sake of the city of God. Scripture: Daniel 2:24-35, 44-46; Jeremiah 28-29; Daniel 3; Hebrews 11:10
Should I Not Love that Great City?
Many recoil at the thought of being called to reside in a large city. Jonah felt the same way when God asked him to go to Nineveh,and he made every attempt and excuse to avoid the great city. Like Jonah,we may see crime,pollution,greed,and moral decay as deterrents to living in a city; but in God's eyes its peoples are precious,and his grace and mercy are available to all. Once we glimpse the heavenly eternal city,the city of God,we will share God's view of the lost and will be able reach out in charity and love to a broken world. Scripture: Jonah 4:1-11
The New City 2002
As Christians in the 21st century,we are called to obey God's laws,because they are tools for understanding and expose the workings of our heart. Once we realize that we are saved by grace alone and accepted by God,we can respond to God in genuine obedience with transformed hearts. As members of a local Christian community,we become an alternate city within a city,a holy nation,representing Christ and serving the community in which we worship and live. Scripture: Exodus 19:2-8; 20:1-3; 24:7-11
The Meaning of the City
Jeremiah told the Jewish exiles in Babylon to seek the peace and prosperity of the city they found themselves in. Like New York,it was an enormous,intimidating city with diverse populations that espoused a variety of values and morals. However,God empowers Christians to relate and respond in love to all people,without either assimilating too much to the culture around us or separating ourselves through tribalism. As citizens of both the city of man and the city of God,we work on the principles of peace and grace for the betterment of all. Scripture: Jeremiah 29:4-14
The City (vimeo)
Isaiah tells a tale of two cities: the strong city and the lofty city. The former is divine,available through salvation,and based on peace and joy. The latter is human,self-created,and based on pride and accomplishment. Christians are called to seek the peace and prosperity of the city,both in prayer and as servants of society,looking forward to the final and eternal heavenly city where the trials of this world will cease. Scripture: Isaiah 25:6-26:6; Isaiah 26, Genesis 11, Psalm 48
A Tale of Two Cities (manuscript)
What did the fall do to humanity? By tracing the descendants of Cain and by studying the city they created, we see the violence and oppression that resulted from turning away from God - including the Bible's first instance of polygamy. However, we also see that God has not given up on humanity. God has a vision for a different kind of city - a city built on worship and grace instead of self-aggrandizement and power. Scripture: Genesis 4:11-26; Jeremiah 29:7; Jonah 4:11; Revelation 21:2; Matthew 5:14-16; 1 Peter 2:12; Matthew 18:21-22; Luke 9:58; Mark 15:34
Hope for the City (manuscript)
Christians need to be devoted to cities. Cities have a disproportionate impact on the wider culture. The population of cities around the world is exploding,and Christians need to be wherever people are. Christians can effectively reach cities through proclaiming the Gospel,through acts of mercy and justice,and through living in such a way that embodies racial reconciliation. Scripture: Acts 8:1-8; Genesis 12:1-3; Jeremiah 29:4-7; Acts 4:32-34; Acts 6:15; Acts 7:60
The Freedom of Service - 2 (1st) (part 2 here)
Many people say they like Christianity,but they don't understand why Christians evangelize others. Behind this line of thinking is a misconception about Christianity. Christianity is not a series of instructions about how we should live. It is primarily an announcement about the incarnation,crucifixion,and resurrection of Jesus. This is what leads Peter and John to say that there is no other name under heaven by which people can be saved. Scripture: 1 John 1:1-3; Matthew 26:39
Messengers (YouTube)
As disciples of Jesus,we are his messengers,and our mission is to communicate the belief that we have in Christ. Service based on performance,pride,and self-image can be manipulative and harmful,but service based on who we are in Christ allows us to rejoice in what God does in our lives and in the lives of others. Scripture: Exodus 32, Ephesians 2:10, Luke 9:1
A Woman, a Slave and a Gentile
The gospel of Jesus Christ transcends cultural and socioeconomic differences. Here we have three examples of conversions in Philippi: of the religious,the oppressed,and the secular. The gospel is presented through rational discourse,a power encounter,and through practical embodiment of a gospel-changed life. The message of Christ liberates and transforms lives,and unites people who once had nothing in common into one family. Scripture: Acts 16:13-34
Belonging to a Missional Church (manuscript)
A missional church is a church designed to reach members of a non-Christian culture. It means creating a church where all ministry is conducted with the mindset that non-Christians will be present. The church and the church community become both a safe space and an attractive counterculture where non-Christians can see the truth of the Gospel. Scripture: Daniel 3:18
In Isaiah,we are reminded of the promise of God's everlasting covenant for those who truly encounter him. When you allow him to change your heart,you receive a new mission: to give testimony and witness to others. This is a sign of conversion in your life,and God gives us the power and motivation to share the message of his unconditional love and promise of new life Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-7; 57:14-21
Blueprint for Revival; Introduction 1
Revivals have spanned nations and denominations. Distorted views of revival,such as heterodoxy,dead orthodoxy and emotionalism,become obstacles to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. When a church has an assurance of God's love,reflects a theological and intellectual balance,exemplifies understanding,participates in anointed worship,exhibits compassion,and reaches out through evangelism,it can become spiritually dynamic and inspire revival. Scripture: Acts 2:37-47; Acts 4
Blueprint for Revival; Introduction 2
Five key components - vibrant worship,doctrinal teaching,theological depth,devoted fellowship,and evangelism - can keep a church balanced and healthy,ready for revival. Accompanied by prayer,these characteristics sustain the church as a living body,rather than just an organization. Scripture Acts 2:37-47
Blueprint for Revival; Social Concern
The parable of the Good Samaritan demonstrates a biblical model of social work and compassion. The Samaritan meets the physical,financial,emotional,and material needs of the man in his path. This parable reminds us that real faith is expressed in deeds as well as sentiments and words. Scripture: Luke 10:25-37