by Sinclair B. Ferguson
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson (born 1948) is a Scottish theologian known in Reformed Christian circles for his teaching, writing, and editorial work. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen and has been an minister in the Church of Scotland since 1971. He has served as an editor with the Banner of Truth Trust and worked as a minister at St George's-Tron Church, Glasgow.
Ferguson was called to Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina to become effective in December of 2005. He has previously held the Charles Krahe Chair for Systematic Theology at the Philadelphia campus. He has also taught at other reformed protestant seminaries, including Reformed Theological Seminary.
Five questions about Jesus: Jesus said what? (MP3)
Five questions about Jesus: Jesus did that? (MP3)
Five questions about Jesus: Jesus – who? (MP3)
Five questions about Jesus: Crucified – why? (MP3)
Five questions about Jesus: Empty tomb – so what? (MP3) ---------------------------------
Ferguson has been a speaker at a number of Sproul's Ligonier Conferences. Some of the books he has written, edited or contributed to include:
By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me (2010)
In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel Centered Life (2009)
Faithful God: An Exposition of the Book of Ruth
Man Overboard!: The Story of Jonah
Deserted by God Hope for all who do not sense the Lord's sustaining presence ... (2008)
The Plan: How God Got the World Ready for Jesus
The Preacher's Commentary - Vol. 21 - Daniel (2002)
The Big Book of Questions & Answers about Jesus (2000)
The Grace of Repentance (Today's Issues) (2000)
Reformed Confessions Harmonized (1999) editor with Joel Beeke
Let's Study Mark (1999)
Let's Study Philippians (1998)
Let's Study Ephesians (2005)
Big Book of Questions and Answers (1997)
The Holy Spirit (1997)
Heart for God (1996)
The Christian Life (1996)
Discovering God's Will (1996)
Sermon on the Mount (1996)
The Pundit's Folly (1996)
Grow in Grace (1989)
Children of the Living God (1989)
New Dictionary of Theology (Master Reference Collection) (1988), editor with David Wright and J. I. Packer
HT: Tapes from Scotland