The following files are in MP3 format. To Download, right click and save to your hard drive.
Lecture #1 Pervasive Depravity MP3
Lecture #2; Unconditional Election MP3
Lecture #3; Particular Redemption MP3
Lecture #4 Efficacious Grace: God Effectually Saves His People MP3
Lecture #5 Persevering Grace: God Preserves His People MP3
Dr. Venema's special interest lies in Reformation theology, particularly the work of the Reformers John Calvin and Heinrich Bullinger. Dr. Venemaâ??s books, Heinrich Bullinger and the Doctrine of Predestination: Author of â??The Other Reformed Traditionâ?? and Accepted and Renewed in Christ: The â??Twofold Grace of Godâ? and the Interpretation of Calvinâ??s Theology, reflect this interest. He is the author of several other books including But for the Grace of God: An Exposition of the Canons of Dort; What We Believe: An Exposition of the Apostlesâ?? Creed; The Promise of the Future; Getting the Gospel Right; Children at the Lordâ??s Table?, Christ and the Future, The Promise of the Future Study Guide, and The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ. Dr. Venema is a co-editor and frequent contributor to The Outlook and the Mid-America Journal of Theology.