by Martin Luther
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HT Chapel Library
Justification by Faith Alone is Martin Luther’s commentary on the essential truth of how we are declared right with God from Galatians 2:16. This truth was the catalyst for the Reformation, which restored biblical Christianity to Western civilization. By nature we are prone to run to the error of law-keeping in order to earn God’s favor—that is, to seek salvation by doing good works. Luther explains how false teachers deceive many with this error, and clearly proclaims the beauty of how Jesus Christ achieved a perfect righteousness for His people at the cross. Luther champions the true role of God’s free grace in justification by faith alone.
Pages: 32.
The Argument of Galatians
1. Righteousness by Faith ..................................................................................... 3
2. Condemnation by the Works of the Law ....................................................... 4
3. Teaching about Law and Grace ....................................................................... 5
4. Separating Law and Grace in Salvation .......................................................... 6
5. Proper Places of Works and Grace ................................................................. 7
Commentary on Galatians 2:16
1. The Works of the Law ..................................................................................... 8
2. The Divinity of the Popish Sophisters (commonly called Schoolmen) .......... 9
3. The True Way to Christianity ...................................................................... 11
4. Error of the Schoolmen: “Charity” as Merit ................................................. 12
5. Answer to the Schoolmen .............................................................................. 14
6. The True Rule of Christianity ....................................................................... 14
7. False Teachers ................................................................................................. 18
8. The Grace of God ........................................................................................... 18
9. Faith Alone ...................................................................................................... 19
10. The Flesh ......................................................................................................... 21
11. Traditions of Men ........................................................................................... 22
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