by Rev. John Samson
The Trinity: our one God is eternally existent in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are co-equal, co-existent and co-eternal.
I love the Trinity. That's because I love God, and God is a Trinity.
Very few people have a firm grasp of the concept of the Trinity. It is important therefore to determine what we as Christians mean by the term. The doctrine of the Trinity, stated simply is that there is one eternal being of God, and this one being of God is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is therefore one in essence and three in personality.
It is necessary here to distinguish between the terms 'being' and 'person.' It would be a contradiction, obviously, to say that there are three beings within one being, or three persons within one person. There is no contradiction though because that is not what is being said at all. There is one eternal, infinite being of God, shared fully and completely by three persons, Father, Son and Spirit. One what and three who's.
All the major cults today (Jehovah's Witnesses, the Latter Day Saints or Mormons, etc.) contend that Christians have simply made up the concept of the Trinity, saying that the term is not even found in the Bible. Though it is true that the actual term cannot be found in Scripture, I would have to say, 'so what?' for even the word 'Bible' is not found in the Bible! The term 'Bible' comes from the word biblos meaning 'book,' and therefore means 'the Book.' The Bible is not just 'a' book but 'the' book, because it is the very Word of Almighty God, and therefore the most important book anyone can ever read; for it is the only one that is inspired by God. (2 Tim. 3:16).
The term 'Rapture' is not found there either, yet I believe in the Bible, in the Rapture and in the Trinity because these concepts are definitely taught in the Bible. How so? While the actual terms are not found in the Scripture, the doctrines certainly are.
On the basis of Scripture itself, Christians throughout the centuries have professed belief in the Holy Trinity, affirming the fact that our one God is eternally existent in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are co-equal, co-existent and co-eternal.
This is because the following three things are very clearly taught in Scripture:
(1) There is only one God, who is eternal and immutable (unchanging).
(Deut. 6:4; Isa. 43:10; Mal. 3:6; Mark 12:29; John 17:3; 1 Tim. 2:5; Jam. 2:19)(2) There are three eternal Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
These Persons are never identified with one another - that is, they are carefully differentiated as distinct Persons. The Father is not the Son, nor the Son the Holy Spirit, and nor is the Holy Spirit the Father.
(Matt: 3:13-17; 28:19; Luke 10:22; John 1:1, 2; 3:16, 17; 15:26; 16:7; 17:1-26; 2 Cor. 13:14)(3) The Father, the Son, and the Spirit, are identified as being full Deity
The Bible teaches the Deity of the Father, the Deity of Christ and the Deity of the Holy Spirit.
(Isa. 9:6; John 17:3; John 1:1, 18; 8:58; 20:28; Phil. 2:5-11; Col. 2:9; Titus 2:13; Heb 1:8; 2 Pet. 1:1; Acts 5:3, 4; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18)
When someone denies any of these three statements, severe error is the result.
Dr. James White states:
"If one denies that there are Three Persons, it results in the 'Oneness' teaching of the United Pentecostal Church and others. If one denies Full Equality, one is left with Three Persons and One God, resulting in 'subordinationism' as seen in Jehovah's Witnesses, the Way International, etc. (though to be perfectly accurate the Witnesses (JW's) deny all three of the sides in some way - they deny Full Equality (i.e., they believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel), they deny the Three Persons (the Holy Spirit is an impersonal, active 'force' like electricity) and One God (they say Jesus is 'a god' - a lesser divinity than Yahweh). And, if one denies One God, one is left with polytheism, the belief in many gods, as seen clearly in the Mormon Church, perhaps the most polytheistic religion I have encountered."
"God eternally exists as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God."
(Dr. Wayne Grudem)
"To all three belong the same eternity, the same unchangeableness, the same majesty, the same power. In the Father is unity, in the Son equality, in the Holy Spirit the harmony of unity and equality; and these three attributes are all one because of the Father, all equal because of the Son, and all harmonious because of the Holy Spirit."
(Augustine, On Christian Doctrine: Preface/Book 1 Chapter 5).