by Henry Law
in ePub, .mobi & .pdf formats
Reader, you are invited here to take your stand within the tabernacle's court. A crowded and a busy scene appears. Many worshipers bring many offerings. All is activity. But all the active zeal has one great object—to honor God in God's appointed way.
Each offering in this court is a full page of Gospel-truth. Christ in His grace and work is the golden key to open every part. Leviticus is Calvary fore-shown. Calvary is Leviticus unfolded. The one casts forward the morning ray. The other pours down the mid-day blaze. But the early and the brighter beams stream from one Sun—Christ Jesus. The brazen altar is the herald of the cross. The cross re-echoes to the brazen altar's voice.
In a long train of ceremonial teaching the Burnt offering takes the lead. Let this, then, first be noticed.
An offerer comes. Mark what he brings. If his offering be from the herd, it must be an unblemished male. Lev. 1:3. It must be the choicest produce from his pastures—the primest flower from his fields. There must be strength in fullest vigor, and beauty without one alloy. Such are the properties required.
The meaning is distinct. Jesus is here. The victim chosen before worlds were framed is thus portrayed. Strength and perfection are main colors in His portrait. He is as strong as God can be. The shield of omnipotence is on His arm. Hence He is able to achieve the grandest of all victories—even to tread down Satan and his empire. Hence He is able to bear away the weightiest of all burdens—even the vast mass of all His people's sin!
Table of Contents
The Burnt Offering
The Grain Offering
The Peace Offering
The Sin Offering
The Guilt Offering
The Accepted Offering
The Strange Fire
Clean and Unclean
The Childbirth
The Plague of Leprosy
The Cleansing of the Leper
The Scapegoat
Holy Blood
The Sabbath
The Sheaf of the First Fruits
The Drink Offering
The Feast of Pentecost
The Feast of Trumpets
The Feast of Tabernacles
The Jubilee
The Kinsman
The Blessing and the Curse
The Summary