by Albert Martin
The Incarnation of Christ - John 1
Necessity and Nature of the New Birth - John 3
No New Birth - No Heaven - John 3:1-8
Two Damning Delusions - John 3
To One Not Savingly Joined to Christ - John 3:36
Busy for the King - John 4:6
True Worship #1 - John 4
How Soul Thirst Is Satisfied - John 4:4-29
Preparing Yourself for Worship - John 4:21-24
Four Reasons Why Some Will Not Come to Christ - John 5:30-47
God's Law of Dispensing Mercy: Open and Honest Dealing With Sin - Proverbs 28:13; John 5:24
I Am the Bread of Life - John 6
Message of Invitation and Consolation to Sinners - John 6:37
Whose Slave Are You? #1 - Romans 6:6-14; John 8:34
Whose Slave Are You? #2 - Romans 6:6-14; John 8:34
Whose Slave Are You? #3 Romans 6:6-14; John 8:34
Sovereignty of God - Key Passages - John 6:37-40; John 6:60-65
Christ's Duty on Earth - John 6:38-40
The Devil's Lies - A Message to Children - John 8:44
The Ear and Hoof of True Sheep - John 10:27-28
Sheep are Saved Forever - John 10:27-30
7-Part Series on Particular Redemption (John 10)
The Elder as a Shepherd #1 - John 10; Psalm 23
The Elder as a Shepherd #2 - John 10; Psalm 23
The Elder as a Shepherd #3 - John 10; Psalm 23
The Ear and Hoof of True Sheep - John 10:27-28
Sheep are Saved Forever - John 10:27-30
If I am Lifted Up, I will Draw All Men to Me - John 12:20-32
The Savior with the Towel and Basin Part 1: The Jesus Who Saves - John 13:1-11
The Savior with the Towel and Basin Part 2: A Society of the Towel and Basin - John 13:1-17
The Savior with the Towel and Basin Part 3: Gleanings from the Incident Part 1 - John 13:1-17
The Savior with the Towel and Basin Part 4: Gleanings from the Incident Part 2 - John 13:1-17
The Savior with the Towel and Basin Part 5: Gleanings from the Incident Part 3 - John 13:1-17
What Will These Truths Mean to Everyday Christian Life - John 13:17; Luke 8:18
Jesus - The Only Way to God? - John 14:6
Who Are You Living For? - John 14:6
Tolerance Versus Pluralism - John 14:6
The Way of Forgiveness - John 14:6
The Work of The Holy Spirit #1 - John 14; John 16
The Work of The Holy Spirit #2 - John 14; John 16
The Work of The Holy Spirit #3 - John 14; John 16
The Work of The Holy Spirit #4 - John 14; John 16
The Work of The Holy Spirit #5 - John 14; John 16
Operations of The Holy Spirit in Preaching #2 - John 14; John 16
The Fear of God: Obligations - John 15:14; Hebrews 11:6
Presence and Pressure of the World - John 15:17-19; Romans 12:1-2
No Escaping Affliction Part 1 - John 16:33; James 1:2-4
Texts for Tried and Proven Saints - John 17:11-24
In the World but Not of the World - John 17:14-18