by James Durham
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The Text is explained, the Series of the several Prophecies contained in that Book, deduced according to their order and dependance upon each other; the periods and succession of times, at, or about which, these Prophesies, that are already fulfilled, began to be, and were more fully accomplished, fixed and applied according to History; And those that are yet to be fulfilled, modestly, and so far as is warrantable, enquired into. Together with some practical observations, and several digressions, necessary for vindicating, clearing, and confirming many weighty and important Truths.
IT may look well presumptuous-like to read, or undertake to open this Book: and indeed there is need of much humility & soberness in going about such a work, and that the Spirit of Jesus Christ, who hath given this Book for a benefit to His Church, help us to a right uptaking of it: Yet, considering that the subject matter of it, is so profitable and comfortable to the Church, to the end of the world: considering also what was Christs end in giving it, as His last Will and Word, to His Church, to wit, to be a Revelation, and thereby to make manifest His mind to them: therefore John is forbidden to seal it, that it might be open for the good of His Church: and considering withall the many motives and encouragements that are given to read and search into it, as ver. 3. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this Prophecy: which saying, is also renewed again after the prophetick part is immediatly closed, chap. 22:7, 14 which seem to be notable encouragements, not only to undertake, but also to lay it on as a duty, to read and seek to understand it. We resolve, through Gods grace, to essay it, that it be not altogether useless to the Servants of God to whom it is sent, as ver. 1. It is true, manythings in it are obscure: and it is like, that the full clearing of them is not to be expected, till God in some singular way shall open them up, (neither is that undertaken) Yet, there are, 1. many clear, edifying, and comfortable passages of Gods mind in it: the holy Ghost mixing in those to be fed upon, and to sweeten those passages that are more obscure; and to encourage the Reader to search for the meaning of them. And, 2. though we be not clear to apply such passages to this or that particular time, or party, or person; Yet, seing the scope sets out, in general, the enemity of special enemies of the Church, and it being clear who they are: we think they may be exponed not only according to the Analogy of Faith and sound Doctrine, but according to the scope of the place, though every thing hit not, yet nothing being contrary to it. 3. In those things that are most obscure, there may be sound Doctrines concerning the disposition of enemies, and Gods giving victory over them, & preservation and outgate to His People. And lastly, those things that are most obscure, being particulars, wherein there is no such hazard for us to be ignorant, as in fundamental Truths: and yet being such as God hath allowed folks by wisdom to search out: therefore, here is wisdom, is prefixed to the hardest places in it, as chap. 13 vers. ult. Upon these considerations, we intend (through the Lords help) to hint at some things in the reading of this Book to you, for your up-stirring to search further into it. The whole strain and form of it, is by way of an Epistle, Jesus Christ, by John, writing His last Will to His Church.
Table of Contents
To the Judicious and Christian Reader by John Carstairs
Reader by Robert Balie
An Index Of the principall Questions and Controversies
CHAP. 1: LECTURE I (1:1–4)
CHAP. 1: LECTURE II (1:4–6)
CHAP. 1: LECTURE III (1:7–9)
CHAP 1: LECTURE V (1:10–11)
CHAP 1: LECTURE VI (1:12–15)
CHAP1: LECTURE VII (1:15–16)
CHAP 1: LECTURE IX (1:18–20)
CHAP. 2: LECTURE I (2:1–3)
CHAP 2: LECTURE II (2:4–5)
CHAP 2: LECTURE IV (2:8–11)
CHAP 2: LECTURE V (2:12–17)
CHAP2: LECTURE VI (2:18–29)
CHAP. 3: LECTURE I (3:1–6)
CHAP. 3: LECTURE II (3:7–13)
CHAP. 3: LECTURE III (3:14–22)
CHAP. 4: LECTURE I (4:1–3)
CHAP. 4: LECTURE II (4:4–8)
CHAP 4: LECTURE III (4:8–11)
CHAP. 5: LECTURE I (5:1–7)
CHAP. 5: LECTURE II (5:8–14)
CHAP. 6: LECTURE I (6:1)
CHAP. 6: LECTURE II (6:1–2)
CHAP. 6: LECTURE III (6:3–4)
CHAP 6: LECTURE IV (6:5–6)
CHAP. 6: LECTURE V (6:7–8)
CHAP. 6: LECTURE VII (6:10–11)
CHAP. 6: LECTURE VIII (6:12–17)
CHAP. 7: LECTURE I (7:1)
CHAP. 7: LECTURE II (7:2–3)
CHAP. 7: LECTURE III (7:4–8)
CHAP. 7: LECTURE IV (7:9–10)
CHAP. 7: LECTURE V (7:11–14)
CHAP. 7: LECTURE VI (7:14–17)
CHAP. 8: LECTURE I (8:1–4)
CHAP. 8: LECTURE II (8:5–7)
CHAP. 8: LECTURE III (8:8–9)
CHAP. 8: LECTURE IV (8:10–11)
CHAP. 8: LECTURE V (8:12–13)
CHAP. 9: LECTURE I (9:1–11)
CHAP. 9: LECTURE II (9:12–21)
CHAP. 10: LECTURE (10:1–11)
CHAP. 11: LECTURE I (11:1–2)
CHAP. 11: LECTURE II (11:3–6)
CHAP. 11: LECTURE III (11:7–10)
CHAP. 11: LECTURE IV (11:11–14)
CHAP. 11: LECTURE V 11:15–19)
CHAP. 12: LECTURE I (12:1–6)
CHAP. 12: LECTURE II (12:7–12)
CHAP. 12: LECTURE III (12:13–17)
CHAP. 13: LECTURE I (13:1–6)
CHAP. 13: LECTURE II (13:4–8)
CHAP. 13: LECTURE III (13:9–11)
CHAP. 13: LECTURE IV (13:12–17)
CHAP. 13: LECTURE V (13:18)
CHAP. 14: LECTURE I (14:1–5)
CHAP. 14: LECTURE II (14:6–7)
CHAP. 14: LECTURE III (14:8–11)
CHAP. 14: LECTURE IV (14:12–20)
CHAP. 15: LECTURE I (15:1–4)
CHAP. 15: LECTURE II (15:5–8)
CHAP. 16: LECTURE I (16:1–2)
CHAP. 16: LECTURE II (16:3–7)
CHAP. 16: LECTURE III (16:8–11)
CHAP 16: LECTURE IV (16:12)
CHAP. 16: LECTURE V (16:13–16)
CHAP. 16: LECTURE VI (16:17–21)
CHAP. 17: CHAP. 17: LECTURE I (17:1–2)
CHAP. 17: LECTURE II (17:2–6)
CHAP. 17: LECTURE III (17:6–8)
CHAP. 17: LECTURE IV (17:9–11)
CHAP. 17: LECTURE V (17:12–14)
CHAP. 17: LECTURE VI (17:12–18)
CHAP. 18: LECTURE I (18:1–8)
CHAP. 18: LECTURE II (18:9–24)
CHAP. 19: LECTURE I (19:1–7)
CHAP. 19: LECTURE II (19:8–10)
CHAP. 19: LECTURE III (19:11–21)
CHAP. 20: LECTURE I (20:1)
CHAP. 20: LECTURE II (20:1)
CHAP. 20: LECTURE III (20:1)
CHAP. 20: LECTURE IV (20:1–3)
CHAP. 20: LECTURE V (20:4–6)
CHAP. 20: LECTURE VI (20:7–10)
CHAP. 20: LECTURE VII (20:11–15)
CHAP. 21: LECTURE I (21:1)
CHAP. 21: LECTURE II (21:2–8)
CHAP. 21: LECTURE III (21:9–27)
CHAP. 22: LECTURE I (22:1–5)
CHAP. 22: LECTURE II (22:6–12)
CHAP. 22: LECTURE III (22:13–21)
A Brief View of the Series of the Whole Book of the REVELATION