by Thomas Reade
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This Volume is designed to be "THE BELIEVERS COMPANION IN SOLITUDE". The Meditations, interspersed with Hymns, chiefly original, are intended to promote serious reflections, silent aspirations to God, and self-examination; and thus, through the divine blessing, to lead the heart to God in Christ, as the only Foundation for a sinner's hope; and the only Fountain of a sinner's happiness. Should this important end, in any humble measure be attained, the glory will be His from whom all good proceeds.
Frequent retirement, and reading the Scriptures with meditation and prayer, are essential, through the power of the Spirit, to our growth in grace. The more we meditate on the things of God, as revealed in his holy word, the more will our minds be brought under their sanctifying influence. The religion of Christ, is the religion of the heart. It not only enlightens the understanding, but it purifies the affections. The world will lose its fascinating power, and formality its deadening effect upon us, when once we come to a saving knowledge of Christ Crucified! We shall then use the world as not abusing it, and engage in outward forms of religion, as needful for order, but not as substitutes for personal piety. We shall then live in the spirit of the vows and promises which were made in our names at our baptism, and thus evidence our new birth, by walking before God in newness of life.
In a spirit of Christian love, the author of these Meditations has dwelt on the evil of self-deception; on our proneness to confound the sacramental sign with the thing signified; on the danger of our professing to know God, while in works we deny him; and, of resting in the form of godliness, while we deny the power thereof. Surely these subjects cannot be too frequently, nor too earnestly, enforced. If we diligently study our Bible, that only rule of faith and practice, we shall be preserved from those abounding errors which darken and pervert the truth. "The entrance of your words gives light; it gives understanding unto the simple."
May the Savior, who is love, impart his blessing to these Meditations on his Grace and Power, that he who writes, and they who read, may finally rejoice together in his kingdom of glory.
Table of Contents
Communion with God
The Beauty of Holiness
Aspirations after Holiness
The Saving Knowledge of the Scriptures
The Promises of God
The Fall of Man, and His Recovery by Grace
Thoughts on the Mystery of Redemption
Salvation by Grace
The Sufficiency of Divine Grace
The Dying Love of Christ
The Willingness of Christ to Receive Sinners
Earnest Desires for Christ
The Power of Grace
The Pearl of Great Price
Conversion of the Heart to God
Faith Working by Love
Walking with God
The Privileges of the Believer
The Superiority of Graces to Gifts
The Blessedness of a Childlike Spirit
The Harmony of Christian Graces
The Blessing of Peace
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
An Evil Heart of Unbelief
The Evil of Pride
Deadness to the World
Human Corruption and Abounding Grace
Indwelling Sin
The Inward Conflict
Mourning over Sin and Hatred of it
The Burden of Sin Deplored
True Wisdom the Source of Happiness
The Preciousness of Christ
The Life of Faith
Seeking after God
The Blessedness of the Righteous
The Believer's Path to Glory
The Believer's Portion
Christian Fellowship
Christian Perseverance
The Character and the Promise
Men's Estimate of Human Nature
The Scripture View of the Present State of Man
Blessings Flowing from the Covenant of Grace
A Christian Indeed
The Testimony of Conscience
The Christian's Rest
The Sovereignty of God
The Sovereignty of Divine Grace
The Unsatisfying Nature of Earthly Things
God the Refuge for His People
The Religion of the Heart
Realizing the Divine Presence
Desires for Pardoning and Sanctifying Grace
Experimental Religion
External Religion, No Substitute for Godliness
On the Approach of Death
Prophetic Views of the Messiah's Kingdom
The Importance of Self Knowledge
The Desire for More
On the Birth of Christ
A Sabbath Meditation
Christ's Intercessory Prayer
Reflections on the New Year
The Believer's Review of His Christian State
A Grateful Retrospect of Undeserved Mercies