A Call to Reformed Churches and Laymen: Invest in Monergism

An Invitation to Invest

Executive Summary

For 25 years, Monergism has equipped the church and reached the lost with free, Biblically faithful, confessionally Reformed resources. What began as a small project in Silicon Valley in 1999 has grown into a global ministry serving over 1.1 million new users annually. Yet, with an annual budget of just $195,000—less than $0.18 per user per year—we run an exceptionally lean operation.

We invite 812 churches or individuals to join us by giving $20/month (or $240/year), or 1,625 churches or individuals giving $10/month (or $120/year), ensuring we meet our $195,000 annual budget and continue equipping the global church in 2024.

As we approach our 25th anniversary, we are looking to the future. Our mission remains the same, but our vision is expanding. With your partnership, we can meet our immediate funding need of $105,000 and launch several transformative initiatives in 2024, strengthening the church and bringing gospel-centered resources to even more people worldwide.

The Problem

In a time when many Christians lack access to robust, Biblically sound, and confessionally Reformed resources, Monergism stands in the gap. Our mission is to provide free theological content that equips pastors, theologians, and laypeople with the tools they need to grow in Christ and defend the faith. Yet, the demand for these resources far exceeds what we can currently provide with our limited budget and staff.

The Solution

With your investment, Monergism can expand its offerings and leverage new technologies to serve the global church more effectively. Key initiatives for 2025 include:

  1. Free eBook Expansion

    • Grow our library of high-quality free eBooks (currently 1,200).
    • Upgrade our eBook Library App to include features like highlighting and audio integration, making the content more accessible and engaging.
  2. AI-Powered Theological Tools

    • Develop innovative features using a large language model (LLM) to interact with our database of Reformed and Puritan literature. This will allow users to:
      • Search for theological insights (e.g., "What did Calvin say about predestination?").
      • Receive book summaries, thematic tagging, and personalized recommendations.
      • Ask theological questions and access detailed, Biblically faithful answers.
      • Explore typological connections and study systematic theology interactively.
  3. Audio Enhancements

    • Record audio versions of eBooks to make them more accessible to users who prefer listening.
  4. Expanding Website Resources

    • Build out major sections of the website with curated, high-quality theological content. For example, our newly launched Westminster Confession Study Guide is already helping users dive deeper into the rich truths of the faith.

Target Audience and Reach

Monergism serves a global audience, with over 1.1 million new users accessing our resources in 2024 alone. These include:

  • Pastors seeking sermon preparation tools and theological clarity.
  • Laypeople hungry for Biblical teaching and devotional content.
  • Theologians and students diving deep into Reformed doctrine.

Our goal is to make these resources accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial means.

Financial Plan

To achieve our 2024 goals and continue growing, Monergism operates on an annual budget of $195,000, which includes:

  • Salaries for employees maintaining and expanding our resources.
  • Development of new features, such as the AI-powered tools.
  • Costs associated with web development, audio production, and hosting.

Systematic Theology

Funding Gap: We still need $105,000 to meet our budget for 2024 and position ourselves for growth in 2025.

Return on Investment

Your investment in Monergism is not merely monetary; it is eternal. By using the resources God has entrusted to you, you help us reach countless souls with the gospel. The friendships formed through this ministry will endure into eternity, as the souls we touch in this life may one day welcome us into “eternal dwellings” (Luke 16:9). As Scripture reminds us, the treasures stored in heaven are imperishable (Matthew 6:19–20). By partnering with us, you will:

  • Equip churches with Biblical, confessional resources to strengthen the body of Christ.
  • Spread the gospel by reaching people across the globe with free, Christ-centered content.
  • Invest in the next generation of theologians, pastors, and lay leaders.

Operational Goals for 2025

  1. Expand our library of eBooks and develop interactive features for users.
  2. Launch the AI-powered theological tools, transforming how users engage with Reformed and Puritan writings.
  3. Record and release audio versions of eBooks to increase accessibility.
  4. Build out major sections of our website, such as curated study guides, to deepen users' understanding of Reformed theology.

Why Support Monergism?

  • Biblical Fidelity: Our resources are grounded in Scripture and aligned with the historic confessions of the Reformed faith.
  • Proven Stewardship: For 25 years, we have accomplished extraordinary impact with limited resources.
  • Global Reach: Your support amplifies a ministry that already serves millions annually.

A Challenge to Invest

Imagine the impact if just 1% of our 1.1 million new users invested in Monergism (11,000 people). We would easily meet our annual budget. Here’s how you can help:

  • 1,625 churches or individuals giving $10/month (or $120/year).
  • 812 churches or individuals giving $20/month (or $240/year).
  • 406 churches or individuals giving $40/month (or $480/year).

We take seriously the stewardship of the resources entrusted to us, operating with transparency, fiscal responsibility, and a commitment to maximizing every dollar for kingdom work Will you join us in equipping the church and reaching the lost? Your partnership, whether as an individual, a family, or a church, is vital to our mission. Together, we can make 2024 a year of incredible growth and gospel impact.

Next Steps

Take the first step to invest in Monergism today by visiting this link to give. Whether it’s a one-time donation of $10, a monthly gift of $20, or any amount the Lord leads you to contribute, your support is part of a collective effort to equip the church and reach the world with the gospel. Monergism (CPRF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Every gift matters and brings us closer to our goal. For questions or to learn more about our initiatives, contact us at [email protected].



CPRF | Christian Publication Resource Foundation.,
P.O. Box 491
West Linn, OR 97068

May the Lord shine His face upon you and richly bless your families. 

Yours in Christ

John Hendryx
Director, Monergism

By Topic


By Scripture

Old Testament









1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles








Song of Solomon


















New Testament







1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians





1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy





1 Peter

2 Peter

1 John

2 John

3 John



By Author

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