Works, Grace and Salvation by David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Times Require Clear Distinctions by J. C. Ryle
Preach the Gospel, and Leave the Results To God by B. B. Warfield
Encouragement for Pastor's Wives (Free eBook) by Albert Martin
The Consistent Christian (Free eBook) by William Secker (1660)
The Doctrine of Sanctification (Free eBook) by A. W. Pink
The Gospel and the Problem of Evil by John W. Hendryx
Does Irressitible Grace Make Men into Robots? by J.W. Hendryx
The Covenants of Works and of Grace (Free eBook) by Walter Chantry
Beware of Mingling Anything of Your Own with Christ by J. C. Ryle
Parent's Groans Over their Ungodly Children (Free eBook) by Edward Lawrence (1623-1695)
Delivered From the Law as a Rule of Justification by Charles Hodge
Many Modern Evangelicals Have an Impoverished View of God's Love
Incoherent Atheist Ramblings About Genocide and Cooked Eggs
What Does It Mean to Preach Christ (ePub, .nobi or .pdf) by Rob Ventura
The Total Depravity of Man by Charles Hodge
If God has Already Elected a Person, Why Pray? by John W. Hendryx
Zealous for Good Works by Thomas Manton
Weekly Quote(s)
"Do you believe Christ knows all things? If so then it follows that you believe Christ certainly knew all things to come before he became incarnate, so He certainly knew, when he died, that there were certain people in particular that would never be better off because of his death. And therefore, it was impossible that he should die with an intent to make these particular persons blessed. For it is an outright contradiction to assert that he died with an intent to make them blessed, when at the same time he knew they would not be blessed - whether one believes in predestination or not." (John 17:17, 24)
- inspired by Jonathan Edwrds
God has not sent us into the world to say the most plausible things we can think of; to touch men with what they already believe. He has sent us to preach unpalatable truths to a world lying in wickedness; apparently absurd truths to men, proud of their intellects; mysterious truths to men who are carnal and cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God. Shall we despair? Certainly, if it is left to us not only to plant and to water but also to give the increase. Certainly not, if we appeal to and depend upon the Spirit of faith. - B. B. Warfield
Just as a matter of clarification, total depravity is the condition of man who does not have the Holy Spirit, it is NOT the condition of man whom the Holy Spirit joins to Christ. The regenerate man is no longer totally depraved, else he would have no moral ability whatsoever to come to Christ. (Rom 8:2, 9; 1 Jn 3:9, 5:1). The purpose of Christ's becoming incarnate is to set us free from from sins captivity. (John 8:36) - J. Hendryx
As Christians, we are called by God to serve all people in every way possible even if their lifestyle offends us. Being offended by something someone has done (or still does) is no reason to stop going out of our way to serve them and bless them. We are no better than any other people and sinners just like them. To stop serving anyone who has committed sin would mean we would have to stop helping ourselves and our own families. But, know this, by God's grace, we will never participate in any activity, voluntarily or under force, that would be a violation of our faith. We now serve God and will bow to no one's idols, even if it means our loss. So prepare yourselves Christians, and pray for your leaders because it looks very much like this is the direction society is now taking. My greatest concern here is that Christians in the name of wanting to be "nice" will be weak kneed about this and will simply give in to the cultures demands. Don't do it. Stand firm ... remember you are to fear God, not man. The ones who would force us to bow will ultimately have to give account to God. Lord help us