SLIMJIM over at the blog The Domain for Truth has compiled a list of apologetics media resources. He reconstructed is list that was originally listed on a now deleted blog account elsewhere on the web .This is an amazing collection and a great service to the Church. I am thankful for his permission to share these with you here.
Camden Bucey
1. Defending the Faith
Shane Kastler
1. Expositional Apologetics
Fred Butler
1. Apologetics Evangelism 101
Jonathan Harris
1. Apologetics Sunday School Class 2011
Brian Rickett
1. Presuppositional Apologetics 2014 Paschal Lectures by Brian Rickett (Videos)
2. MP3s of 2014 Paschal Lectures on Presuppositional Apologetics by Brian Rickett
Jason Lisle
1. Nuclear Strength Apologetics Lectures at Heritage Grace Community Church
2. Jason Lisle “The Ultimate Proof of Creation” Lecture at The Master’s Seminary
3. The Heavens Declare the Glory of God (Men’s Conference): Jason Lisle
Jimmy Li
1. Apologetics: What Would Jesus Do? 4 Messages
Keith Rice
1. Apologetics Sunday School Class by Keith Rice
Alan Strange
1. In Defense of Christianity Lectures: Foundational Principles for Engaging an Unbelieving World
Michael Mock
1. Presuppositional Apologetics Sunday School Lessons by Michael Mock (2018)
Sonny Hernandez
1. Sonny Hernandez on Presuppositional Apologetics
2. A Primer on Presuppositional Apologetics
Stephen Bratton
1. Presuppositional Apologetics
William Dennison
1. Defending Your Faith
Michael Riley
1. Defending the Faith
2. Apologetics
Richard Spencer
1. Grace Valley Christian Center Lectures on Theistic Proofs from Van Tillian Perspective
Jay Jesuroga
1. Presuppositional Apologetics
Paul Henebury
1. Apologetics Conference Lecture
2. Apologetics and Worldview Lectures: An Introduction by Paul Henebury
Vocab Malone
1. Presuppositional Apologetics Interview
Brian Schwertley
1. Reformed Apologetics
2. Atheism Refuted
3. Atheism and New Age Mysticism
Patrick Hines
1. Presuppositional Apologetics Sunday School
1.Presuppositional Apologetics Lectures: Patrick Hines on Youtube
Vern Poythress
1. Dr. Poythress Interview on Missions, Language Presuppositional Apologetics and Theology
Joe Tonlin
1. Proof that God Exists
Jess Stanfield
1. Apologetics
Chuck Muether
1. Applied Presuppositional Apologetics
Cornelius Van Til
1. Lectures and Sermons
2. Cornelius Van Til’s lectures on Modern Theology
Joe Boot
1. Defending the Christian Faith
2. With No Apology
1. Apologetics Class Links
2. Peripatetic Podcast
Michael Butler
1. Introduction to Biblical Apologetics
2. Apologetics
Greg Bahnsen
1. Van Tillian Apologetics
2. Basic Training for Defending the Faith
Dustin Segers
Jeff Durbin
1. Apologetics to the Glory of God
2. Street Level Apologetics 101
3. Apologetics Done Right: Jeff Durbin
Roar No More
1. An Introduction to Presuppositional Apologetics
2. A Crash Course in Presuppositional Apologetics
Michael Vlach
1. Master’s Seminary Presuppositional Apologetics Course
Joe Torres
1. Interview
Sye TenBruggencate
1. Presuppositional Apologetics (Part 1, 2, 3)
2. Sermon Audio lectures
3. Biblical Apologetics Sessions in “You Will be My Witnesses” Saskatoon Evangelism Conference
Dr. James Anderson
1. Worldview Apologetics
2. Type “Dr James Anderson” into the search bar:
3. Sermon Audio collection
4. What’s Your Worldview? At Ligonier 2016 National Conference
5. Reformed Theological Seminary Lectures
6. Apologetics’ Lectures: The Theological Foundations of Modern Science
William Edgar
1. Lecture collection
John M. Frame
1. Christian Apologetics
2. John Frame’s Understanding Apologetics (MP3 Lectures Series)
Dan Dodds
1. Apologetics
Scott K. Oliphint
1. Sermon Audio collection
2. Covenantal Apologetics
3. Apologetics 101
4. Paul’s Anatomy of Unbelief by K. Scott Oliphint
4. Seminary on Saturday
Gabriel Fluhrer
1. Sermon Audio Collection
2. Apologetics
Brian Borgman
1. A Defense of Christian Theism (Part 1, 2 and 3)
2. College: Proofing Your Faith
Lindsay Brooks
1. Presuppositionalism and Beauty
Carlton Wynne
1. College: Proofing Your Faith
Michael Kruger
1. Type “Dr. Michael Kruger” into the search bar:
2. Michael Kruger Faith to Life Lecture on the Self-Authenticating Scripture
Ben Holloway
1. Introduction to Worldview and Apologetics
Jeffrey D. Johnson
1.The Absurdity of Unbelief 4 Lectures
Voddie Baucham
1. Voddie Baucham lectures on Apologetics at DTS
2. Expository Apologetics Lectures
Multiple Speakers
1. Videos: God Keep Our Land Apologetics Conference 2015
2. Grace Life Sermons Related to Presuppositional Apologetics
3. 2017 Reformation of Apologetics Conference Videos
4. The Problems of Evil 2018 Conference