Adapted from Jon English Lee
A proper understanding of the relationship between the law and the gospel is crucial for any minister hoping to be effective in his preaching and counseling. Indeed, a flawed understanding of the relationship between law and gospel leads to all sorts of problems:
Errors in this doctrine have spawned dispensationalism, theonomy, the New Perspective on Paul, hypercovenantalism, legalism, antinomianism, shallow evangelism, shallower sanctification, worship errors and unbiblical mysticism.
Regarding the importance properly understanding the law and the gospel, Charles Bridges once wrote in his excellent work The Christian Ministry that:
The mark of a minister “approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,” is, that he “rightly divides the word of truth.” …This revelation is divided into two parts—the Law and the Gospel—essentially distinct form each other; though so intimately connected, that an accurate knowledge of neither can be obtained without the other.”[2]
Because such a proper understanding is so important, and because there is such a lack of teaching on the subject in both seminaries and in many churches, below I have compiled a list of resources for those seeking to grow in this area. If you have others to suggest, please list them in the comment section. Happy Reading!
Law/Gospel Resources:
- True Bounds of Christian Freedom by Samuel Bolton (free eBook)
- A Treatise on the Law and Gospel by John Colquhoun
- The Law and the Gospel journal article by Fred Malone
- Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man by Herman Witsius (free eBook) (see also D. Patrick Ramsey & Joel Beeke’s good introduction & analysis of the work)
- The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher (free eBook)
- The Grace of the Law by Ernest Kevan (historical survey showing several puritan views on the relationship between law & christians)
- Law and Gospel by Ernest Reisinger in Founders Journal #28
- The Law and the Gospel by Ernest Reisinger (book)
Law/Gospel & Pastoral Ministry:
- The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges (free eBook)
- Lectures on the Law and Gospel by Stephen Tyng (also available for free online)
- True Bounds of Christian Freedom by Samuel Bolton (this one is so good that I had to list it twice)
- The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters by Sinclair Ferguson
- The Ten Commandments More Than a Symbol – Founders Journal # 68
- Christ the End of the Law– A sermon by Charles Spurgeon (,pdf)
[1]The Law and the Gospel journal article by Fred Malone/
[2] The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges
"The Law is for the proud and the Gospel for the brokenhearted." - Martin Luther
The Law Renders Us Inexcusable and Drives Us Into Despair by John Calvin
Are God's Precepts "The Measure of our Strength"? by John Calvin
Galatians 3:11-12 - We All Stand Condemned by the Law PDF by John Calvin
The Law of Christ as the Fulfillment of the Law of Moses: A Modified Lutheran View PDF by Douglas Moo
Jesus Satisfies Both the Law's Demand's and it's Curses by John Colquhoun
Law and Gospel by Dr. John Frame
The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses (Online Book) by Vern S Poythress
The Use of the Law in Evangelism by Dr Sinclair B Ferguson
The Uses of the Gospel and the Law by John Colquhoun
The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel by CFW Walther
The Places of The Law & The Gospel by John Bradford
The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall (eBook)