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List of Heresies

  • Adoptionism The belief Jesus is not eternally God but became God sometime after His birth
  • Antinomianism The belief that Christians are not bound by God’s law and are free to sin as they please; That Jesus' rescues from the guilt of sin but not its power..
  • Anti-Paulism The belief that the Apostle Paul was a heretic and that the books he wrote are not a part of Biblical Canon
  • Arianism The belief that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were lesser, created beings and  not persons of the Godhead .
  • Christian Deism The belief that God does not intervene in or interact with the world.
  • Docetism - The belief that Jesus was divine but only seemed to be human.
  • Donatism - The belief that the efficacy of the sacraments depends on character of the minister.
  • Dual Covenant Theology The belief that Jews can still be saved without believing in Jesus
  • Eutychianism - The belief that Jesus' finite human nature is swallowed up in His infinite divine nature.
  • Gay Theology - The belief that homosexuality is not a sin. Consequently, the full gospel of rescue from sin's tyranny is witheld from those who self-identify as "gay"
  • Gnosticism - Holds to a radical dualism of good and evil and believes secret knowledge is necessary for salvation. This contrasts sharply with Christianity which affirms the good of creation. Gnostics think matter is evil. 
  • Inclusivism The belief that faith is not necessary for salvation and that God’s mercy is so wide that it embraces all non-Christian peoples on the earth
  • Kenosis The belief that Jesus ceased to be divine while on Earth
  • Kinism The belief that people are only to consort, worship, and marry people of their same race.  
  • Legalism - Trusting in one's own righteousness (or anything) aside from Jesus to win acceptance with God
  • Liberalism The belief that Scripture is not inerrant or infallible (Not to be confused with the political system of the same name)
  • Limited Theism The belief that God’s powers are or can be limited and He is not All-Powerful
  • Marcionism - The belief that the God of the O.T. is evil and the God of the N.T. is good. Affirms 11 books in the Canon
  • Macedonianism The belief that God the Holy Spirit is not a member of the Godhead but merely a creation of God.
  • Manichaeism The belief that good and evil are both equally powerful in ability and/or authority.
  • Modalism The belief that the members of the Trinity are not three distinct persons but three different aspects of the same person.
  • Monarchianism - The belief that God is one person.
  • Monophysitism - The belief that Jesus had only one nature: divine.
  • Montanism The belief that the Bible is either insufficient or incomplete, and that new revelation from God is being regularly given.
  • Moralistic Therapeutic Deism - the new American Religion.
  • Neo-Orthodoxy The belief that the Bible is not the Inspired Word of God unless it is being read by a believer.
  • Neoplatonism The belief that all existence consists of emanations from the One with whom the soul may be reunited
  • Nestorianism - The belief that Jesus was two persons.
  • Open Theism The belief that God is not omniscient and doesn’t know the future.
  • Papal Primacy The belief that the Pope is the head of the Church while it is on Earth as well as the vicar of Christ.
  • Partialism The belief that each member of the Trinity is 1/3 of God rather than being fully God.
  • Pelagianism The belief that human nature is untainted by the Fall of Man and is not corrupted with Original Sin.
  • Pluralism The belief that two or more religions can be true at one time.
  • Positive Thinking The belief that your thoughts have the God-like ability to create your reality.
  • Prosperity Gospel The belief that the promises of the Gospel include good physical health and Earthly wealth.
  • Progressive Christianity - a post-modern theological approach, a revisionist view of the Scriptures, with a strong focus on social justice and an over-emphasis on politics. Rooted in Liberal Christianity of the modern-era.
  • Rauschenbuschism (the social gospel) The belief that the main purpose of the Gospel is to be the cure for social issues rather than the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God.
  • Roman Catholicism - Roman Catholicism violates scripture in its doctrine of salvation, its claims about its authority, its apostolic succession, its priesthood, and its claim to have the sole right to interpret Scripture. 
  • Semi-Pelagianism - The belief that man and God cooperate to achieve man's salvation.(with man initiating)
  • Socinianism - A Denial of the Trinity. The belief that Jesus is a deified man
  • Subordinationism - The belief that the Son is lesser than the Father in essence and or attributes.
  • Trinitarian Heresies Here is list of major heresies which deny the biblical teaching on the Trinity
  • Tritheism The belief that the Godhead is actually three separate gods
  • Universalism The belief that everyone will go to Heaven
  • Word of Faith The belief that human words have the God-like power to create or destroy.
  • Works Righteousness The belief that we are saved by works or a combination of faith and works rather than by faith alone


Related: Bad Theology - Cults and Heresy

Tue, 05/21/2019 - 18:05 -- john_hendryx

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