Free Seminary Classes Online
To students of the Bible who want to further their theological education, but don't have the time or money to attend seminary, there are some outstanding free online options.
The following is a list of some resources for a free (non-credit) theological education online:
Reformed Theological Seminary.(iTunes) classes and lectures from Mr. John R. Muether, Dr. Richard P. Belcher Jr. Dr. Michael J. Kruger, Dr. James N Anderson, Dr. Douglas F. Kelly, Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III The free courses offered through Reformed Theological Seminary are available in two formats: via iTunes U and through the RTS Mobile App for Android and Apple devices. They also offer a helpful app for learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism, which delves into many tenants of reformed theology. Course credit is only available for enrolled students, but in most cases the audio lectures available for free are the very same courses enrolled students use.
Here are a few courses offered:
- Gospels (30-Part Lecture Series) by Michael J Kruger
- Introduction to Pastoral and Theological Studies (40-Part Lecture Series) by James Anderson
- History of Philosophy and Christian Thought (40-Part Lecture Series) by James Anderson
- Christology, Soteriology, Eschatology (29-Part Video Lecture Series) by Douglas F Kelly
- Ecclesiology and Sacraments (24-Part Lecture Series) by Scott Swain
- Christian Encounter with Islam (25-Part Lecture Series) by James Anderson
- Christian Apologetics (21-Part Lecture Series) by James Anderson
- Pastoral and Social Ethics (27-Part Lecture Series) by James Anderson
- History and Theology of the Puritans (22-Part Lecture Series) by Douglas F Kelly
- The Origin and Authority of the New Testament Canon (24-Part Lecture Series) by Michael J Kruger
Westminster Seminary Lectures (iTunes) - classes and lectures from the past (e.g., Cornelius Van Til, John Murray) and the present (e.g., Sinclair Ferguson, Carl Trueman, Scot Oliphint, Richard Gaffin, etc.).If you use a web browser or Android you can find many of these same lectures for download at the WTS Media Center Archive.
Here is a sampling of the courses offered:
- The Doctrine of God by Scott Oliphint
- The Reformation by Carl Trueman
- A New Testament Biblical Theology by Greg Beale
- Covenant Theology by Peter Lillback
- Character and Attributes of God by Sinclair Ferguson
Covenant Theological Seminary (iTunes) classes and lectures from Dr. David Chapman, Dr. David Calhoun, Dr. Gerard Van Groningen. With easy registration, there are over 40 master’s-level classes available through Covenant Theological Seminary, and they also have a very convenient app available which makes learning on your smartphone or tablet easy. You will need to create an account to listen to an entire course, but signing up is simple and you can even preview two classes from each course without having an account.
Some of the offerings include
The Master's Seminary Online Lectures
These graduate level courses exemplify the level of training provided by The Master's Seminary and reflect years of study, experience, and the grace and blessings of the Lord. Courses are arranged by topic and then divided into individual lectures.
Here are a few of the courses offered
- Fundamentals of Expository Preaching by Steve Lawson & John MacArthur
- Issues in Christian Ethics by John Feinberg
- Historical Theology by Nathan Busenitz
----- and app features more than 1,000 hours of Christian education on a broad range of topics, taught by some of the top professors and Bible teachers in the evangelical community. Until recently, this wealth of training has been available only at their website. Thanks to their new mobile app, BT Mobile, over 70 excellent courses are now accessible on Apple devices in the iTunes app store. For those using devices other than an iPhone or iPad, it is also available for Android.
Available Courses BiblicalTraining features a variety of learning plans (training for Disciples, Leaders and Pastors) and 70+ classes from teachers such as Ron Nash, Craig Blomberg, Darrell Bock, and John Piper. A small sampling of the dozens of available courses include classes on Biblical Hermeneutics, Christian Apologetics, Systematic Theology, and Church History.
A sampling of available classes include:
- Biblical Theology (Dr. Greg Beale)
- Romans (Douglas Moo)
- Biblical Hermeneutics (Dr. Robert Stein)
- Christian Apologetics (Dr. Ronald Nash)
- History of the English Bible (Dr. Daniel Wallace)
- Old Testament Theology (Dr. Paul House)
- Church History I (Pentecost to Reformation) (Dr. Gerald Bray)
- Psalms (Dr. Bruce Waltke)
Puritan Reformaed Theological Seminary - great seminary. Many of the classes are availble here as YouTube videos.
A sampling of available classes include:
Covenant Theology by Dr. Joel Beeke
Puritan Theology by Dr. Joel Beeke
The Theology of Wilhelmus aBrakel
Advanced Biblical Theology
Reformed Experiential Preaching by Dr. Joel Beeke
The North American Reformed Seminary
The North American Reformed Seminary desires to see theological education restored to the local church. Ministry preparation is, after all, a part of the church's discipleship task! TNARS seeks to serve the local church by providing an academic platform pastors can use in the training of their members for ministry and in the training of men called to the work of the gospel ministry. Our vision is to help prepare a new generation of Reformed pastors who are passionate for the glory of God, the proclamation of the Gospel, and the equipping of the church for ministry - without the financial obligation of the traditional seminary!
How can we do this? By offering a challenging curriculum coupled with pastoral mentoring and oversight (the old Puritan apprenticeship model), the student receives both the strong theological foundation and practical ministry skills necessary for effective ministry.
Other Online Seminary Classes (may require fee)
Ligonier Connect
70+ courses (and growing). Study the Bible, theology, philosophy, church history, apologetics, and more with access to an ever-expanding library of courses