Many users have requested that we provide a place where all of our eBooks can be downloaded at once (currently 1,063 eBooks). So we have provided a compressed zip file for each type of eBook format (ePub & .pdf). Select the one you use on your eReader. These obviously will not include our newly published eBooks, but we will try to upload them every six months as the list grows. To see the current list of eBooks click here. While most of the eBooks have text that is in the public domain, the eBooks themselves are copyrighted material (since most of them have been reformatted, corrected, modernized, given cover art etc.) and are meant to be freely downloaded for personal use, so please do not upload them to another server or sell them.
We have organized the downloads into two distinct categories for your convenience: the original collection of over 750 titles and the latest addition of more than 300 titles. This separation is designed to facilitate ease of access for those who previously downloaded the initial 750+ files, eliminating the need for re-downloading previously acquired content.

If you do not know how to unzip files on your Android or iPhone, I have included instructions below.
How to Unzip a file on Android
Where to Put Kindle (.mobi) Files on your Android
The eBook folder for the Amazon Kindle app (use .mobi) can be found on your Android phone here:
\Internal storage\Android\data\com.amazon.kindle\files\
1. Copy mobi to Kindle folder.
2. Launch Kindle app on Android.
How to Unzip Files on iPhone and iPad
How to open a Kindle (mobi) file on your iPhone or iPad
If you have a Kindle app in your smart phone you will need to extract the file(s) from the zip archive, tap the the Kindle app to immediately send it to that app.
For Kindle, When you tap the download link or button, the dialog window will appear asking you to decide what to do with the file. Tap “Open in Kindle” link
How to Load to your Google Library
Google Books uses the epub format. Download the epub file zipmfile and extractboj your PC. Then open Google Books and go to My Library-> Upload and select all files and open. Will take a couple of minutes to upload and process. Take note of the ones that have errors so you can try load them again.